West Bromwich
(Click the postcode to see a location map in a new window)
Akash Balti
This is a non-smoking restaurant
Telephone: 0121 525 1500
385 High Street,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands, B70 9QW
Clock Tower Balti House
Telephone: 0121 553 4167
33 Carters Green,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands, B70 9QP
Paradise Palace
Telephone: 0121 525 1266
500 Lombard Street West,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands, B70 8EF
Stone Cross Balti House
Telephone: 0121 588 4412
2 Westminster Road,
West Bromwich,
West Midlands, B71 2JQ